Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Bump in the Road

Hi Bumblebees!

I recently made some wonderful progress on my PLN, namely, I finished my presentation slides. It took about three hours. Mainly because I accidentally deleted the whole presentation before I managed to save it to my Dropbox.

Ah well . At least it's all done now, and lookin' FABULOUS.

Friday, April 15, 2011

More Progress!

Lovely Folk,

I am proud to announce that I have made more progress!!

Today, I:

-Added an "About Me" section + photos
-Fixed the menu bar problem
-Added links to my Blog and Twitter


Adding More to the Portfolio

That's it, folks.

I'm off to add more swag to my portfolio.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm Going to Attempt to Upload Some Ads I've Done


The time has come. I am about to do something truly daring.

I'm going to try to dig up some actual ads that I've created in my Advertising Class last semester.
Keep in mind...I said LAST SEMESTER. Finding, scanning, and uploading may indeed prove to be an arduous task that may result in:


-Technical Issues

-Paper Cuts

Just so you're aware.

Actually...I Did Make Some Progress!


Seems I completely forgot that I did actually make some progress after all.

On my to-do list:

1. Add more expert contacts to my Blogging/Twitter/Social Bookmarking Network. <--I did add  quite a few!!!

2. Add more content to the actual portfolio

3. Brainstorm the How-To Video

4. Seek advice on Business Card info
<--Asked a classmate for advice!

 Aww, yay!


What I [Actually] Got Done In Class

Well, lovlies, I'm back!

Just an update as to the progress I've made during the in-class workday...
I actually worked on something else--the presentation slides. I think they're looking pretty amazing :)

Not to digress. Did I actually accomplish any of the points on my list (that I made earlier)?


Now, moving on to add even more jazz to the portfolio!
Time to get moving!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

In-Class Workday, Oh My!

Hello All!

So today in my Social Media for PR class, we are getting an in-class workday for our PLN projects. This is good! Hopefully, I'll make some more progress today.

color Pictures, Images and Photos

On my to-do list:

1. Add more expert contacts to my Blogging/Twitter/Social Bookmarking Network.

2. Add more content to the actual portfolio

3. Brainstorm the How-To Video

4. Seek advice on Business Card info

Let's see how much of this I can get done!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Next Steps!

Hello, once more!

I am excited to announce that I've made some great progress with my online/digital advertising+design portfolio. A few weeks ago, a friend on Facebook suggested a good Flash website for creating such a portfolio:

Let me tell you--it's amazing! I have already created my portfolio page, and started adding content. What I've added so far:

-Design pieces
-Contact Info

Hooray for this awesome leap forward!
AmirHappy Pictures, Images and Photos

Please check out the work I've accomplished thus far here:
Advertising Bleeds Color


Monday, April 4, 2011

Welcome-Let the Journey Begin!

My name is Victoria and I am a Communication student with a specialization in PR and Advertising. For my PLN, I have chosen to create a digital advertising and design portfolio, and will be using this blog to discuss my journey.

I have already started by gathering some contacts: Relevant Twitter users, bloggers, and Delicious users.

I have recently also begun the process of actually creating the portfolio, but more news on that soon.

Stay tuned!
